Iot Topic Rule - Cross Account Kinesis


Hi there, I am trying to setup a cross account Iot topic rule, that will forward the messages to a Kinesis stream in a different account. Here is a snippet from my cfn:

    Type: AWS::IoT::TopicRule
        RuleDisabled: false
        Sql: !Sub SELECT *  FROM '${ConnectorTopicName}'
          - Kinesis:
              StreamName: arn:aws:kinesis:eu-west-1:targetaccountID:stream/input-machine-data-stream
              RoleArn: !Sub '${IoTTopicRuleRole.Arn}'

The role has cross account setup. However, this does not send the data to the target account, and I can not really figure out why. Do you have any suggestions how can I troubleshoot this? or what is causing the problem? Cheers

asked a year ago408 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi there! At present, AWS IoT Core Rules only supports cross-account actions for four services:

  • SQS
  • SNS
  • S3
  • Lambda

You could use AWS Lambda to write the message to Kinesis in the other account.

answered a year ago

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