Sending mail through SES, out of office replies come back From


We send email out through SES. This is human to human email, no mailing lists. Incoming mail goes directly to our own mailserver.

Problem 1: In reply to email sent by SES, any Out of Office replies which are triggered do arrive, but they are registered by Amazon as a Soft Bounce (so not a serious error, but still an error?).

Problem 2: the From address (sender) on the Out of Office email that comes back is not the original recipient, but So when sending a normal human email to 3 other humans (for instance 1 To address and 2 CC address), I might receive 1 Out of Office reply but have no idea from who it came. Even the email headers do not show the sender (so which original recipient of my email). Sending a test email from another domain (outside SES) to the same recipients results in normal Out of Office replies showing who they are from.

MAILFROM has been set and verified for the sending domain. We are monitoring bounces through SNS.

6 Answers

Thanks Jesse, for me that does indeed work.

For normal people and clients using this, just sending out emails with no interest in how it all works behind the scenes, it is not really a solution sadly.

answered 10 months ago

You can subscribe to the events to see this level of detail.

answered 10 months ago
  • I agree with OP, AWS SES does not behave in a way which is useful in all use cases. I also need to receive OoO messages verbatim, with the original Sender/From not being overwritten by And I also don't consider that OoO is a "bounce" in my use case, because the message is still delivered to the user.

    Also, indeed, it is possible to subscribe to events to get details about bounces, but sometimes OoO messages are qualified by AWS SES as having UNDETERMINED bounce type. To see that in action, it is enough to send a message to the OoO simulation email:


Ever find an answer?

answered 8 months ago

No real answer or solution sadly, apart from what's in this thread. Sorry ;-(

answered 8 months ago

This is a real problem as I now have an inbox filled with emails from auto replies concerning "Out of Office" and there is no indication of where these emails are coming from. There MUST be a way for SES to use the correct FROM address.

answered 8 months ago

I'm now running into this issue where the OoO email is bouncing back to me without the data of who sent it. It used to have details in the body, but no longer. Any way to figure out how to get this back so that I can properly catch the event and process?

Carlo S
answered 6 months ago

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