dynamodb pagination


i try to use pagination. but how can i control if querystring parameters changes or do i have to control? there is sentence here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/Query.Pagination.html that says: "Construct a new Query request, with the same parameters as the previous one" at step 2. maybe i don't have to control query string parameters but at least page parameter will change for every api call. if i have to check querystring parameters how?

asked a year ago329 views
1 Answer

querystring parameters changes or do i have to control

Im not sure on which querystring params you are referring to but pagination works like this:

  1. Request up to 1MB of data
  2. DynamoDB returns 1MB and provides you with a LastEvaluatedKey which is a pointer to the last item it read
  3. In subsequent requests, you pass LastEvaluatedKey to the ExclusiveStartKey parameter, which tells DynamoDB where to begin reading
  4. This logic keeps happening until there is no LastEvaluatedKey returned, which means you have read all the data available.
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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