AWS Batch Job - clean up history



In one of my company's AWS account we have vulnerable information leak issue. AWS Batch jobs were launched with ENV variables and this variables contains very important and vulnerable details. We would like to wipe out this history from the account. How can we do that ?


asked 13 days ago43 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

There is no API to clear the AWS batch job history.

The job state for SUCCEEDED and FAILED jobs is persisted in AWS Batch for at least 7 days (see here and here).

If this account is a member of an organization you can create and associate SCP (Service Control Policy) to this account that will prevent any principal from describing that job (and remove the SCP after 7 days has passed).


    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Action": "batch:DescribeJobs",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:batch:REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:job/JOB_ID"
profile pictureAWS
answered 13 days ago
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reviewed 13 days ago
reviewed 13 days ago

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