User defined contact attribute value in Amazon Connect contact flow is not saving or being passed to Salesforce


Goal: I'm trying to pass the option that is selected in the Amazon Connect IVR into a custom field on the Voice Call object in Salesforce. We are using Service Cloud Voice with Partner Telephony by Amazon Connect.

(This is set up exactly as specified at

I have a custom field in Salesforce on the Voice Call object with an API name of Phone_Support_Selection__c. In the Amazon Connect inbound contact flow I have a "Set Contact Attributes" block that is set up as:

  • Destination Type: User Defined
  • Destination Attribute: sfdc-PhoneSupportSelection__c
  • Text Value: Dashboard

However, the value never passes to Salesforce and when I check the Cloudwatch logs Parameters.Key is listed as PhoneSupportSelection, but there is no value listed.

Any help would be amazing, thanks!

4 Answers

The fact that you don't see any data in CW tells me that you more than likely have the block configured incorrectly. Can you share a shot of how you're setting it up?

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answered 2 years ago
  • Yes, commented below to post screen shot.


Yes, here is the current block. It is placed in the flow before the voice call creation step.

Enter image description here

answered 2 years ago

So your set block is correct. Now, on to your script. When you look at the CW logs, are you sure the call is going through this logic?

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answered 2 years ago

Hi Chris - just curious what the resolution to this was? It sounds like I'm having a similar issue.

answered 2 years ago

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