AWS DMS Migration Task Fails with "No Tables Found" Using Wildcard in Schema Mapping for MySQL


I am working on migrating data from MySQL to S3 using AWS DMS. I want to employ wildcard mapping for the schema name in the DMS task's selection rules. Specifically, I aim to include tables from schema names starting with 'a', 'b', or 'c'. However, my attempts with [abc]% and [a-c]% have proven unsuccessful. Instead, I encountered an error stating 'AWS DMS Migration Task Fails with "No Tables Found" Using Wildcard in Schema Mapping' with all the methods I tried. Interestingly, it did work when I used 'a%' to capture all schemas starting with 'a'. Can someone please help me that what wildcard mapping use to get schema names starting with 'a', 'b', or 'c'.

6 Answers
Accepted Answer

ideally it should work with [a-b]% but it is failing for me also you can rather use multiple selection rules e.g. which selects tables starting a b c from mydata schema

  "rules": [
      "rule-type": "selection",
      "rule-id": "023641129",
      "rule-name": "023641129",
      "object-locator": {
        "schema-name": "mydata",
        "table-name": "c%"
      "rule-action": "include",
      "filters": [],
      "parallel-load": null,
      "isAutoSegmentationChecked": false
      "rule-type": "selection",
      "rule-id": "023631379",
      "rule-name": "023631379",
      "object-locator": {
        "schema-name": "mydata",
        "table-name": "b%"
      "rule-action": "include",
      "filters": [],
      "parallel-load": null,
      "isAutoSegmentationChecked": false
      "rule-type": "selection",
      "rule-id": "018911961",
      "rule-name": "018911961",
      "object-locator": {
        "schema-name": "mydata",
        "table-name": "a%"
      "rule-action": "include",
      "filters": [],
      "parallel-load": null,
      "isAutoSegmentationChecked": false
answered 6 months ago

I have 15 tables and have total 30k schemas. Its very difficult to mange with add section rules for each table. I have to add many schemas in the future with start with other letters. This is very bad that AWS still not fix this issue yet.

answered 6 months ago

Can you try it with capital letters instead?

profile picture
answered 6 months ago

Not working with capital letters too. Giving same error.

answered 6 months ago

if the 15 tables are common across schemas you can use % for schema name.

answered 6 months ago

I have different schema mapping requirement for each table so its difficult to add multiple selection rules for each letter for each table.

answered 6 months ago

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