can we change the colour of "Forgot your password?" in the cognito UI login page ?


I wanted to change the colour of "Forgot your password?" link and possibly edit the link text as "Forgot password ?" . Is it possible in user pool UI customisation option or is there any other alternative ways to do it. Please let me know!

1 Answer

To change color, try something like this, in the CSS stylesheet that you can upload to theme the login page:

a.redirect-customizable {
    color: red;

To replace the link, you can also do that in CSS:

/* set font size to 0 */
a.redirect-customizable {
  font-size: 0;

/* add text with the original font size */
a.redirect-customizable:after {
    content: 'Text of the link';
    font-size: 14px;

You can also combine both:

a.redirect-customizable:after {
    content: 'Text of the link';
    font-size: 14px;
    color: red;
answered 2 years ago

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