Cannot deregister AMIs even whithout recovery points


Hello, I am trying to deregister some AMIs but get the message "Failed to deregister the AMI ami-XXXXXXX. API Error :"This image is managed by AWS Backup and cannot be deleted via EC2 APIs. To delete this image, please use the AWS Backup APIs, CLI or console."".

I have already deleted all recovery point in console an managed to delete several AMI, but 6 remain there and cant be deleted.

asked 2 years ago330 views
2 Answers

The AMI's created by AWS Backup service should be deleted in the AWS Backup Console. You cannot delete them in the EC2 console. Please find the Backup vaults with the Recovery points (AMI's) you want to delete and select them and delete them.

It is possible that the recovery points were not created due to some issue and If you don't find the corresponding recovery points then please open a support case.

answered 2 years ago
  • Hello, thanks for your help. Unfortunatly, I have already deleted all backup vaults. The only one remaining is Default and with 0 recovery points in it.


Ok. Thank you for the clarification.

If there are any internal issues, there is a possibility that the AMI's are created, but the corresponding recovery point is not created. Please open a Support case regarding this issue. AWS Backup Service team will create the Expired recovery points in the Default vault and once you delete those Expired recovery points, the AMI's in the EC2 console will be deleted.

answered 2 years ago

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