ECS Fargate - CloudMap Service Discovery not working.



I have created a private clodmap namespace in a VPC and deployed 3 ECS services in to the VPC. My VPC has DNS resolution enabled. On the ECS dashboard I can see the corresponding service discovery names for my services and they all match the records on CloudMap and route 53 hosted zone.

My problem is, from service A, I can not reach to service B using service discovery names even though the resources are inside the same fargate cluster. Interestingly, I can reach from A to B if I use the internal IP address. I believe there is a problem in the resolution of the dns, since there is no response to the dig command.

I am attaching the logs when I execute a dig command from service A to B.

I really appreciate any help, thanks!

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3 Answers

I do not think that there is a problem with the security groups since I can reach the service from a container using the internal IP address that I see on the Cloud Map console. I would expect no response from the IP address, if there is a problem with the security groups.

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answered 2 years ago

"The easiest solution to a problem I've been grappling with for weeks is finally here! Check out how I resolved it: AWS ECS Service Connect: Enabling Communication Between ECS Services. For more comprehensive details, visit our complete playlist: AWS ECS Comprehensive Series. Don’t forget to subscribe for more updates: Prograamer YouTube Channel."

answered 5 months ago

Have you configured the security group for each ECS service?

answered 2 years ago
  • what do you mean by configuring the security group? configure it how?

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