AWS Pinpoint: How to add a "Reply-To" email header in an email campaign?


I am unable to add a "Reply-To" header to my bulk emails sent via AWS Pinpoint. There does not seem to be any attribute for the Reply-To field in the UI (or API). There is a Headers attribute, but when I set the "Reply-To" I get the following error:

Reply-To header not supported

Is Reply-To header supported in AWS Pinpoint email campaign?

asked 2 months ago43 views
1 Answer

Hi Renzil!

I understand you're looking to add a "Reply-To" header to your bulk email campaigns in AWS Pinpoint. Let's tackle this step by step so you can resolve the issue and move forward confidently.

Clarifying the Issue

You're trying to configure a "Reply-To" header for emails sent via AWS Pinpoint. However, there’s no explicit "Reply-To" field in the UI or API, and when you attempted to use the "Headers" attribute, it resulted in an error. This suggests a formatting issue or possibly missing configurations related to your domain or permissions.

Your goal is to successfully add the "Reply-To" header and ensure it’s applied to your emails without errors.

Key Terms

  • AWS Pinpoint: A service for sending targeted emails, SMS, push notifications, and more.
  • Reply-To Header: An email header specifying the email address to which recipients should send replies.
  • Headers Attribute: A parameter in the API that allows for the inclusion of custom email headers like "Reply-To."
  • SPF/DKIM: Domain authentication records that ensure your emails are legitimate and reduce the likelihood of errors with custom headers.
  • IAM (Identity and Access Management): AWS's service for managing access to AWS resources. Proper permissions are crucial for custom email configurations.
  • AWS SES (Simple Email Service): An AWS service used for sending email. AWS Pinpoint often relies on SES for delivering emails and verifying domains.

The Solution (Our Recipe)

Steps at a Glance

  1. Verify your domain authentication settings (SPF/DKIM records).
  2. Check that your IAM role or user has the correct permissions for sending customized emails.
  3. Use the correct JSON structure for adding a "Reply-To" header with the Pinpoint API.
  4. Test the configuration with a small test email.
  5. Troubleshoot common errors and refine as needed.

Detailed Steps

  1. Verify Domain Authentication (SPF/DKIM)
    AWS Pinpoint requires that your domain be authenticated with proper DNS records. To verify:
    • Log into your domain registrar.
    • Ensure SPF and DKIM records provided by AWS are added to your DNS.
    • Use AWS SES's domain verification tool to check the status. Without these, custom headers like "Reply-To" may fail validation.

  1. Check IAM Permissions
    Ensure your IAM role or user has these permissions:
    • ses:SendEmail
    • ses:SendRawEmail
      Without these permissions, you won’t be able to customize headers. You can update permissions in the IAM console by attaching a policy to your role/user.

  1. Use the Correct API JSON Structure
    AWS Pinpoint allows custom headers in API requests. To add the "Reply-To" header, your SendMessagesRequest should look like this:
        "MessageConfiguration": {
            "EmailMessage": {
                "SimpleEmail": {
                    "Subject": {
                        "Charset": "UTF-8",
                        "Data": "Your Subject"
                    "HtmlPart": {
                        "Charset": "UTF-8",
                        "Data": "<html>Your HTML content</html>"
                    "Headers": {
                        "Reply-To": ""
    Replace "" with your desired address. Ensure that no structural or syntax errors exist in the JSON payload.

  1. Test the Configuration
    Use AWS Pinpoint's "Test Email" feature or the API to send a sample email to yourself. Verify:
    • The email is delivered.
    • The "Reply-To" address is correctly applied. You can check this by replying to the test email and confirming the recipient address.

  1. Troubleshoot Errors
    • If the error persists, double-check the JSON structure for typos or misplaced brackets.
    • Confirm that your domain’s SPF/DKIM settings are correctly propagated; use online tools like MXToolBox to verify DNS records.
    • Ensure the "Reply-To" email address belongs to a verified domain in AWS SES.

Closing Thoughts

Customizing email headers in AWS Pinpoint, like adding a "Reply-To," requires precise configurations and error-free JSON payloads. By following these steps, you can achieve your goal and ensure your campaigns are set up for success. If you run into specific errors or have additional questions, feel free to share—I’d be happy to help further.

Best of luck, Renzil, and happy emailing! 😊✉️

Cheers, Aaron 😊

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answered 2 months ago

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