Turn off individual AWS Operational Notifications


I've successfully turned on organizational view in AWS Health and am aggregating notifications in User Notifications across my organization accounts to reduce email noise. Ideally I'd like to receive the emails batched at a 12 hour interval only, but I still get the per account individual emails as well. Since I'm the owner of all of the accounts, is there a way to turn off the individual notifications so I don't get each notification twice? Otherwise it defeats the purpose of batching.

asked 7 months ago522 views
1 Answer

Thanks so much for your question, perpil! We recently discussed this on an episode of AWS re:Post Live over on Twitch. You can see the answer to your question by going to 39:45 in the time code of this video - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2198390721

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago

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