What is the shortest EMR Serverless warmup time via API?


I am trying to see if I can use EMR Serverless to serve as a compute engine for customers querying data in S3. But even with pre-initialized capacity, the simplest of queries possible (select 1+2 as sum) are taking at least 45seconds. Is there a way to reduce this to say under 5s when submitted via API? Can EMRS match Athena Spark on warmup times?

asked 9 months ago244 views
1 Answer


AFAIK, EMR-S might not match Athena Spark in terms of warmup time as both deployment and configurable approaches are different. In EMR-S, Pre-initialized capacity is available and ready to use when the application has started. The pre-initialized capacity becomes inactive when the application is stopped. An application moves to the STARTED state only if the requested pre-initialized capacity has been created and is ready to use and this setup is not same in Athena Spark.

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago

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