Question regarding Redshift's Data Sharing costs


Hello, I'd like to ask about Redshift costs. I checked the data transfer costs when using Data Sharing, and it's $0.02 per GB in the Seoul region. Is this cost for the transferred data inclusive of scanned data, or is it specifically for transferring queried data?

According to the link :

"The producer cluster pays for the storage for the share (obviously) and the consumer will pay for the compute as and when it tries to query the share." They mention that computing costs are incurred when querying the share. However, I'm still confused about this aspect.

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asked 6 months ago329 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


For data sharing between data warehouses in the same region, the consumer will be charged for cost associated with computing (queries), and producer will be charged for storage cost (data is hosted in producer).

However, cross-region data sharing includes additional cross-region data-transfer charges. These data-transfer charges don't apply within the same region, only across regions. In this case, the consumer is charged for all compute and cross-region data transfer fees required to query the producer's data, and the producer is charged for the underlying storage of data in their provisioned cluster or serverless namespace.

Please, refer to the following links to check the price for data transfer for the consumer Region:

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • Hello, Juan.

    Thanks for the quick reply and clarification. But there's still one more to ask you about.  I'd like to know whether it is billed with the additional price (scanned data or not., e.g., Athena).

    Best wishes,

  • Hi! There is no additional cost to use data sharing on your Amazon Redshift clusters. Just compute costs from the consumer side, and storage costs from the producer side. No further costs related to scanning data. Hope this helps!



The cost of Redshift data sharing depends on whether it is sharing in the same region or between different regions. In general, for data sharing in the same region, consumers will have to pay for queries, while producers will have to charge for storage costs.

[+] Considerations when using data sharing in Amazon Redshift

[+] Amazon Redshift pricing - Data transfer

When consuming data from a different Region, the consumer pays the Cross-Region data transfer fee from the producer Region to the consumer Region. The charge is based on the bytes of data scanned for every successful query run. You can refer to the following information.


[+] Managing cost control for cross-Region data sharing

The charge is based on the bytes of data scanned for every successful query run. For more information about Amazon Redshift pricing, see Amazon Redshift pricing.


Additionally, the producer is charged for the underlying storage of data in their provisioned cluster or serverless namespace

Additionally, you can calculate the cost of using Redshift through the link below.

[+] Create estimate: Configure Amazon Redshift

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago
  • Thanks for your reply Hyunjoong, ah, I forgot to describe my situation properly, I'd like to make it in cross-accounts. Is there any additional charge to perform across accounts?

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