How to stop AMIs that were shared with us from appearing in our Private Images AMI list?


Certain AMIs appear in our AWS account's AMI list when filtered by "Private Images," despite not being owned by us. I believe they were shared with us by another party. The menu item to deregister such an AMI does not appear, but we prefer the AMIs not appear in our AMI list. How can we remove the entries?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Since it is not possible to cancel sharing with the AWS account of the sharing destination, you need to cancel sharing with the AWS account of the sharing source.
It will continue to be displayed unless the sharing is removed.
Also, shared AMIs cannot be deleted unless they are owned by the AWS account.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • I see. Thank you for that information. How do I contact the AWS account owner? (I know their account ID.)

  • I don't think you can contact the AWS account owner directly. If you do not know the owner of the AWS account that is being shared, we recommend that you open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing".

  • Thank you, as you suggest, I'll open a case.

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