Problem in creating a quicksight account


I am inviting a user to join the quicksight account. I have already invited successfully many other person to the account and everything was good.

However, for one email acocunt, it does not work. I send an invitation email, the person click on the link, creates the password, Enter image description here

everything looks fine.

however after that it is nor redirected to quicksight but it is asked to join as root since it is redirected to this page Enter image description here

I created a post in the QS community and I tried some suggestions as: we tried to delete and recreate the user again, to use incognito mode, to change the username of the person but nothing is changing.

Any suggestion?

  • The problem was that the email (used as username of the account) had some unkown connection with AWS, changing the username during the creation of the account solved the problem.

    The following error was done during the test of a different username: during the log in process, the email was used as username and not the new username.

asked a year ago452 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I solved it. The problem was that the email (used as username of the account) had some unkown connection with AWS, changing the username during the creation of the account solved the problem.

The following error was done during the test of a different username: during the log in process, the email was used as username and not the new username.

answered a year ago
profile picture
reviewed 5 months ago

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