Fix ipv6 Debian 10


I created the instance with the default Debian 10 image with ipv6 enabled, it works for about 20 minutes and then disappears, I can only activate it again if I reboot. I've tried everything to leave ipv6 always on, but I couldn't! I've tried all the settings here from this link: but also without success. If anyone can help I would be grateful. Thanks and Regards

  • Could you expand a little on "...and then disappears". What do you mean by that? What disappears from where?

  • When I give the command ifconfig I don't see ipv6 anymore, I can't ping any ipv6 address anymore and I don't even receive ping. There are several solutions for this, but not debian 10 the ipv6 always after a few minutes or hours it just disappears from the ens5 interface.

  • aws folks might as well help! Thanks e regards

asked 3 years ago403 views
1 Answer

Bearing in mind that the AWS services do not have access to your instance OS while it is running: So if the OS (Debian) is dropping the IPv6 configuration then the changes are that it is something in Debian that is doing this.

However, given that it doesn't recover until after a reboot there might be something on the AWS side to look at.

Best advice: Raise a support case and they can confirm whether there is an issue on the AWS side or not.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

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