Windows instance unreachable after instance type change



Today I attempted an instance type change on a Windows machine from m5.4xlarge to c6a.4xlarge resulting in Instance reachability check failed. I've tried rebooting, stopping, and starting the instance, but the outcome was the same: no connectivity.

Are there any networking differences between the 2 instance types that would require driver installation? I'm asking about the network, as the instance screenshot displayed no connectivity on the network adapter and the remote desktop connection was not working either.

asked a year ago982 views
3 Answers

Based on the article you have posted, my understanding is that c6a.4xlarge is not ENA compatible and m5.4xlarge is.

Is this the case? I am a bit confused about the terminology here.

answered a year ago

Yes, you are correct. There are differences esp with the network adapator.

Please see for Compatibility

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answered a year ago
answered a year ago

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