[FlexMatch] How Party aggregation is it work ?



I don't understand how the DifferentCharacter rule in example 6 can work with party aggregation ?

Assuming that we have a simple matchmaking configuration which defines one team of 3 players and two ticket T1 and T2 in the pool. T1 is composed of 2 players and T2 is composed of 1 player. When we check this rule, we have to make an aggregation on T1 because there are two players. The default aggregation is AVG.

But in this comparison rule, we try to check if the all members of the team have different characters, if we make an average aggregation on the ticket T1, we have an inconsistent value ?

I may have missed something, could you please enlighten me ?

Thank you !

asked 2 years ago348 views
1 Answer

Hello Maltezerbie,

The partyAggregation property on the Comparison rule does not affect how the attributes are compared; it is used for optimizing FlexMatch's determination of which tickets are likely to be compatible with another ticket. You are able to use a rule set like in example 6 and safely create matchmaking tickets containing multiple players.

  • Shaun
answered a year ago
  • Hello Shaun,

    Thanks for your reply.

    It doesn't affect the way that attributes are compared but affect the way that how attributes are retrieved in a ticket ? What's the link between partyAggregation and tickets are likely to be compatible with another ticket

    I don't understand the purpose of partyAggregation in your definition. Other rules seem to work like i described in the question, namely, it allows to define a strategy to retrieve player attributes when there is many players in the ticket.

  • Hi Maltezerbie,

    Party aggregation is useful in FlexMatch when you can summarize an entire ticket's worth of player attributes into a single number. FlexMatch can use that single number when sorting possible compatible tickets when forming a match. The underlying attributes are still what are used for the matchmaking rules, but the party aggregation helps make matchmaking faster when it can make approximations of all the players in the ticket.

    An example where party aggregation being useful is if you are doing a comparison on a player skill attribute. Aggregating all of the players skills into a single average value makes it easier for FlexMatch to find tickets containing players with a similar average skill level. FlexMatch would then check that all of the individual players in the tickets fit with the matchmaking rule set.

    Party aggregation on an attribute like character with a rule where every player must have a distinct value does not add much value.

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