Urgent! Amplify studio is not opening in the AWS Console


Hello AWS Team, I am building an application in the AWS Amplify studio. But now the Amplify Studio is not opening in the AWS console. I tried everything from clearing the cache to browser change but nothing else. Whatever I have done is not coming. I am not able to work anymore.

Here is the error from browser console. I am not sure if it relevant. But seems like because of this error, I am not able to open the studio.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'githubToken')
    at F.render (main.js:1:4215133)
    at zo (vendors~main.js:59:71428)
    at Uo (vendors~main.js:59:71227)
    at zs (vendors~main.js:59:112369)
    at ku (vendors~main.js:59:98325)
    at Cu (vendors~main.js:59:98253)
    at Su (vendors~main.js:59:98116)
    at mu (vendors~main.js:59:95103)
    at vendors~main.js:59:44772
    at t.unstable_runWithPriority (vendors~main.js:67:3768)

Image/Screenshot: https://ibb.co/k1h7nnV

asked 2 years ago1178 views
1 Answer


Please check if you have any network issues, If you do not have network issues try accessing from AWS CLI,

Keep an eye on AWS status https://status.aws.amazon.com/ if everything is fine try opening AWS Support ticket AWS premier support can help you.

Thank You GK

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answered 2 years ago

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