What is the difference between a user created in IAM and a user created in IAM Identity Center?


If I create a user "user1" in IAM and then activate IAM Identity Center and create a user "user1" there, then how both the users differ from each other?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer


With IAM Identity Center

If possible, using IAM Identity Center is recommended (especially multi account environment)

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • How can I migrate previously created users from IAM to the IAM Identity Center?

  • At first, user in IAM and IAM Identity Center is perfectly independent. To migrate user, I agree with this article which RichardFan wrote.

    Migrate IAM Users to AWS SSO


I find this interesting , You can go through this. https://jumpcloud.com/blog/aws-iam-vs-aws-sso

answered a year ago

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