How to change amazon lex v2 runtime quotas


Hello! As of now I am new to AWS services and would appreciate any help. :)

I'd like to learn more about Amazon Lex V2 runtime quotas, specifically regarding increasing runtime quotas.

From the documentation itself I didn't understand how the change process is done to increase the maximum number of simultaneous session management operations (PutSession, GetSession or DeleteSession) when using other aliases. I validated by the documentation that it is possible, but not in a self-service way.

I would like to know how it is possible to change, where and how I can change these values.

The documentation I read is this:

Again, thank you in advance for your help.

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asked a year ago342 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Here is how to request a service quota increase:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Service Quotas console at
  2. In the navigation pane, choose AWS services.
  3. Choose an Amazon Lex service from the list, or type the name of the service in the search box.
  4. Choose the limit from the list, or type the name of the service limit in the search box. Not all the limits can be increased or requested.
  5. Click the button that says "Request Quota Increase"
  6. For Change quota value, enter the new value. The new value must be greater than the current value.
  7. Click the Request button.

You can also see pending or recently resolved requests from dashboard. For pending requests, choose the status of the request to open the request receipt. Initial status would be pending, once the status changes to Quota requested, you'll see the case number with AWS Support. Choose the case number to open the ticket for your request.

The documentation link which you mentioned, if you look at column "Adjustable" and "Self Service", if both are "Yes" then you can follow the steps as mentioned above else if it is Adjustable but not Self Service, then you'd need log a support case for same, mentioning why is that required, you may need to provide little more details about your use case.

Hope it helps.


profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

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