Is It Possible to Dynamically Increase the Volume of an EC2 Instance?


Started this Ubuntu 22.04 instance with gp3 64 GB volume. But now I ran out of space in this, with a lot of data and dependencies already set up. Is there a way to dynamically increase the volume to 300 GB or something?

By dynamic, I do not mean without shutting it down. I mean to say, in a way that retains the current setting, with the dependencies set up.

For further clarity, my root device and block device have the same name, i.e.


So it seems the ebs volume is the only storage in my ec2.

  • Yes, you can definitely increase it from the AWS console by modifying volume to according to your demand.

asked 8 months ago352 views
1 Answer

Yes you can, although ensure you have a backup or snapshot of the volume before you start.

You may also want to spin up a temporary EC2 to practise on before doing it for real.

The method for increasing the EBS volume is here

After that is complete, you will want to grow the filesystem to match the underlying volume

This tutorial goes through the steps in more detail

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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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