Why not multiple destinations on single pipeline



I am using the Elemental Link to create live content (single pipeline). I would like to use this to feed our regular live ingest, which is using two redundant smooth streaming ingest servers. Why is there no way to send the same encoded output to multiple locations in single pipeline mode? I understand that the encoder will still be a single point of failure, but I would still like to use the redundancy we have for if one of our ingests go down. The only way I have found is to add a whole new smooth output group with identical settings, doubling the encode cost. Also, the same question can asked about setting up an archive output, I need to encode that one as well? Why not enable the re-use of one of the other encodes I already produce? This seems like an artificial way to force an extra encode and therefore extra cost.

asked 4 years ago342 views
2 Answers


If i am understanding your request correctly, you would like to publish identical output to two different destinations (Active Ingest and Backup Ingest) under single output group.
AWS MediaLive shouldn’t need a second encode if two outputs have exact identical configurations, but that’s not a very common use case, as it doesn't provide end to end redundancy.

I would encourage you to file a feature request through your account manager to get this to be implemented.

Also with that said, MediaLive only charges for Input once and depending on your outputs you are charged per output destination.

Thank you, Hope this answers your question.

answered 4 years ago

Yes. As I said, I understand the encoder will still be a single point of failure. But the rest of our setup is still redundant in other parts. For example if one of my ingest servers go down. The single output forces me to use less redundancy than I have available.

I will look into creating a feature request for this. I will reluctantly mark this as answered.

answered 4 years ago

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