Cloudfront data transfer cost


Can anyone estimate the data transfer cost for my React application hosted in an AWS S3 bucket with a CloudFront distribution, considering that each user opening the application results in a 6MB data transfer, and my application is expected to be accessed 12,000 times in a month, all within the Mumbai region?

asked 10 months ago363 views
1 Answer


The always-free tier offered by AWS CloudFront will help in having very minimal costs:

Included in Always Free Tier
1 TB of data transfer out to the internet per month
10,000,000 HTTP or HTTPS Requests per month
2,000,000 CloudFront Function invocations per month
Free SSL certificates
No limitations, all features available

12'000 access x 6 MB is 72 GB: so, still very far from 1 TB limit of free!

If all your accesses are limited to one region, the traffic between CloudFront and origin will be limited (caching benefits will be maximal).

So, your main cost will be S3, which is itself very low, approx $0.12 / GB per month



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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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