Public IP addresses unable to remove


Hi everyone recently I had tried to address the issue of VPC charges on my free tier account. Using public IP insights I saw how I had a DB instance running in RDS and proceeded to delete said DB instance in the region allocated to it. However now I am seeing on public IP insights that I am still being charged despite me deleting the DB instance. Even on RDS it doesn't display any DB instance running.Enter image description hereEnter image description hereEnter image description here

2 Answers
Accepted Answer


I would recommend you to check if a security group that was attached to the RDS instance is still existing, try to delete it along with the Network interface and check again. I think service managed IP probably still associated with a Network interface.

Starting February 1, 2024, charges will apply for all service managed public IPv4 addresses, and on resources launched in your Amazon VPCs

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answered 23 days ago
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reviewed 22 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 23 days ago
  • it seems as though this was the issue as when i deleted the security groups associated with that rds instance it doesn't show that i have any public IP's on ip insights. thanks a lot for this!



You must look after the corresponding ENI initially allocated to our RDS instance and try to delete here. See doc:



profile pictureAWS
answered 23 days ago

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