AWS AMI Fast Launch HELP


Hi all, quick question regarding fast launch. We have a golden ami where multiple services with multiple numbers of servers (via ASGs) use one ami (which is sysprep'd). Would enabling fast launch help us speed up the launch time, or because we are using a golden ami fast launch wouldn't work for us. My understanding is that it will create one snapshot of the box so does that mean it has the same hostname if multiple services attempt to use that ami?

asked a month ago197 views
2 Answers


  • EC2 Fast Launch can potentially speed up the launch time for instances created from your golden AMI, as it pre-provisions snapshots with the initial setup steps already completed.
  • However, Since you are using a single golden AMI for multiple services and Auto Scaling groups, all instances launched from that AMI (including the pre-provisioned snapshots created by EC2 Fast Launch) will have the same hostname and configuration.
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answered a month ago
  • That is exactly what I feared.



If you're experiencing issues with Fast Launch, you can check the following:

  • Fast Launch Status: Ensure Fast Launch is enabled for your AMI.
  • Snapshot Availability: Verify that there are available pre-provisioned snapshots.
  • Instance Launch Times: Monitor instance launch times to see if they have improved.
  • AWS Documentation: Refer to the official AWS documentation for detailed troubleshooting steps and best practices.

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answered a month ago

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