Using AWS Glue to transform data from DynamoDB to Redshift.


Hello everyone,

I'm new with AWS Glue. I'm doing a lab to move data from DynamoDB to Redshift with AWS Glue and my job does not succeed.
I test several times but none of them works (assume that IAM roles are correct).

With Dynamodb:

  • Do I need to create a connection to dynamodb using JDBC ? (It's weird because at connection access there is no username or password to fill in).
  • I need to create the data target first or just create it while add job?

With Redshift:

  • After creating cluster, should I add table into public schema or just leave it as default?
  • Do I need a S3 Endpoint to complete the lab? ( because It requires a S3 endpoint to test connection successfully)

Any suggestions about this case is a big help for me.

asked 5 years ago1096 views
3 Answers

I figured it out, in my case I created a data target but not the same database name, just create new job with right database name.

answered 5 years ago

Need a S3 Endpoint (S3 Gateway)

answered 5 years ago

FYI, there's a solution to move from DDB to Redshift to create source-similar tables without the use of glue:

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago

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