Does Amazon MWAA provide the regular Airflow Rest API resources endpoint like /dags, /variables


Based on this document , MWAA provide the CLI endpoint that allows me to run airflow CLI remotely in MWAA cluster via this endpoint https://{webserver_hostname}/aws_mwaa/cli. However, I cannot use the classic Airflow API endpoint https://{webserver_hostname}/aws_mwaa/dags or https://{webserver_hostname}/aws_mwaa/dags, and it returns the "Resource not found error". I think most airflow developer are more familiar with the classic Airflow Rest API syntax of this one Is it possible to use the classic Rest API with MWAA?

asked a year ago2357 views
1 Answer

As of the last update, Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) does not support the classic Airflow REST API endpoints like /dags or /variables. Instead, MWAA provides a CLI endpoint that allows you to run Airflow CLI commands remotely. The CLI endpoint is accessible at https://{webserver_hostname}/aws_mwaa/cli. This endpoint allows you to interact with your MWAA environment using the Airflow CLI, which can be useful for tasks like triggering DAGs, checking the status of tasks, and more. If you need to use the classic Airflow REST API, you might need to consider running a self-managed Airflow setup. However, this would mean you would need to handle all the infrastructure management, scaling, and maintenance tasks that MWAA handles for you. Please note that Amazon is continuously updating and improving their services, so it's possible that they may add support for the classic Airflow REST API in the future. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, I recommend checking the official Amazon MWAA documentation or reaching out to Amazon support directly.

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answered a year ago

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