Unable to connect to Cloudtrail


Hi team,

Please note that while accessing this component,

we are getting this error.

There seems to be a problem with your session.
Please try again in a few minutes or log in again.
If the problem persists try clearing your browser cookies.

Could you please help us what could be the root cause?

asked 2 years ago286 views
1 Answer


From the question I understand that when attempting to access Cloudtrail in the AWS console you are getting an error linked above.

Based off of the error this would likely be an issue with your session rather than with the Cloudtrail console. I am linking the service health dashboard here (1) and there have not been any noted issues with Cloudtrail in the last week.

If the issue with your session persists after logging out and back in to the AWS console again I would recommend creating a case with AWS support. This will allow an engineer to investigate the issue further and gather the additional information needed in order to resolve this problem.

I hope you have a great rest of your day!


(1) https://health.aws.amazon.com/health/status

answered 2 years ago

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