Find cause of events


I regularly see notifications of events that tell me my environment health has transitioned from OK to Degraded or Severe. They generally correct themselves quickly, but I think some of these notifications are from my environment bringing more servers online, or scaling back servers after a spike, but I'd love to be able to tell what the cause of an elastic beanstalk event was. I assume it's generally when a health check fails a few times in a row, but is there a way to tell which health check failed to cause any particular event?

Should I be sending data to Cloudwatch or something when scaling or environmental health events occur?

1 Answer

Hello ,

To help you with regards to this issue and to know the root cause of the issue I would suggest you to :

1: To identify the cause of the health events and for more detailed information about the current environment's health, I would suggest you to please to open the Health page by choosing Causes. Alternatively, in the navigation pane, choose Health . For more details please refer [1]

2: I would also suggest you to please follow the steps mentioned in this reference link 2 which will be helpful for you to troubleshoot an Elastic Beanstalk environment health status . Moreover please take a look into this reference link[3] which will help you determine the Factors in determining instance and environment health.

3: Moreover I would suggest to check the reference link 4 for troubleshoot ELB health checks with Elastic Beanstalk and please check the beanstalk environment log[5] file which will help you to know the root cause of the issue .

Lastly if wish to have a extended investigation on the any specfic environment events observed in your beanstalk environment , please feel free to reach out to us via AWS Support case , we will be always happy to help you further .

Reference link : 
[1] Enhanced health monitoring with the environment management console - Environment overview -

[3] Enhanced health reporting and monitoring - Factors in determining instance and environment health -

[5] Viewing logs from Amazon EC2 instances in your Elastic Beanstalk environment -

answered a year ago

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