Amplify Datastore support for @searchable


I am using Amplify Datastore for my database management. I want to search the data in a table using wildcard search. I have added @searchable directive for my model. But I am not able to find the Datastore syntax for the search query. Can someone please provide information on how to do this

1 Answer


  1. Retrieve Data: Fetch all records from the DataStore using the query operation.

    1. Filter Data: Use JavaScript's filter method or similar techniques to filter the fetched records based on your search criteria.

    3)Display Results: Display the filtered results to the user.

Here's a simplified example in JavaScript:

import { DataStore } from 'aws-amplify'; import { YourModel } from './models'; // Import your model

async function searchRecords(searchTerm) { try { // Fetch all records const allRecords = await DataStore.query(YourModel);

// Filter records based on search term
const filteredRecords = allRecords.filter(record => // Assuming 'name' is the field you want to search

// Display filtered results

} catch (error) { console.error('Error searching records:', error); } }

// Example usage searchRecords('keyword');

In this example, YourModel represents your DataStore model. Replace 'name' with the field you want to perform the wildcard search on. This example performs a simple substring search. You can modify the filter condition based on your specific wildcard search requirements (e.g., using regular expressions for more complex searches).

Keep in mind that client-side filtering may not be efficient for large datasets, as it requires fetching all records to the client before filtering. If you have a large dataset or require more complex search capabilities, you may need to consider implementing a server-side search solution using AWS AppSync with Elasticsearch or AWS Lambda with DynamoDB, depending on your use case.

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answered 7 months ago

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