How to see the time series in grafana by using the aws athena query


I have creat the grafana dashbaord ,but when i tying to use time series getting was showing Data is missing a number field .

Present iam using the python code i will update every minute new data to the s3 and to athena . from athena to the grafana dashbaord it will display the Data based on the pyhton code .

By using the aws athena query i likr to use time series but it was showing Data is missing a number field . Can any one suggest me by using the athena query in grafana to see the time series .( the data source ian using the AWS AHTENA )

1 Answer

Hello, To display a time series in Grafana using AWS Athena, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure Data Format in S3 Ensure your S3 data includes a timestamp and a numeric field:


timestamp, metric_value
2024-05-27T10:00:00Z, 42.0
2024-05-27T10:01:00Z, 43.1

  1. Create or Update Athena Table Create an Athena table that reflects your data:


    timestamp string,
    metric_value double
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('serialization.format' = ',')
LOCATION 's3://your-bucket/path/to/data/';

  1. Query Athena for Time Series Data Write an Athena query to retrieve time series data:


    parse_datetime(timestamp, 'yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ss''Z') as time,
FROM my_table
WHERE parse_datetime(timestamp, 'yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ss''Z') BETWEEN from_iso8601_timestamp('${__from:date:iso}') AND from_iso8601_timestamp('${__to:date:iso}');

  1. Configure Grafana Data Source
  • Go to Configuration > Data Sources in Grafana.
  • Add a new data source and select AWS Athena.
  • Enter your credentials and region information.
  1. Create a Dashboard Panel
  • Create or edit a dashboard in Grafana.
  • Add a new panel and set the visualization type to Time series.
  1. Configure the Query in Grafana
  • In the panel's Query section, select your Athena data source.
  • Enter your Athena query from Step 3.
  • Ensure the time column is recognized as the timestamp and select metric_value as the numeric field.

By following these steps, you can visualize time series data in Grafana using AWS Athena.

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answered 4 months ago

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