Access Denied to API Version: API20120917


Hello all,

I hope you're all doing well. I'm currently encountering an error while attempting to create an RDS Oracle database stack with a custom parameter group using AWS CDK.

The specific error message I'm receiving is: Access Denied to API Version: API20120917

I've reviewed my permissions and configurations, but I'm still unable to pinpoint the issue. Has anyone else faced a similar problem or have any insights on how to resolve this?

Your expertise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

1 Answer


Such a problem may happen when your AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup resource is incorrectly defined: are you are specifying both EC2SecurityGroupName and EC2SecurityGroupId for an ingress / egress rule ?

If yes, you will encounter this problem: specify just one of them



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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