No Ads being loaded with Mediatailor Ad-Config



we want to create a FAST-Channel and insert ads, both via AWS MediaTailor.

We created an ad config with our Test-Tag set as the "Ad Decision Server".

Our Test-Channel exists of a single program with configured ad-breaks at 20s/5m/10m/15m/20m and the ad slate being a 3-minute snippet of another movie.

Enter image description here

When testing the stream (with the playback prefix of the ad config) there are no ads displayed.

Can anyone tell if our configuration is not properly set up or if the issues might be related to our provided Ad-Tag?

asked 2 years ago546 views
1 Answer

Riva, is this a VOD asset that is being played out? How are the ad breads at 20s/5m/10m/15m/20m configured? Are there SCTE-35 ad markers in the manifests or a predefined placement using a VMAP response from your ad server? The following links may be helpful for your testing.

answered 2 years ago

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