Failed to import backup Backup TISO-FS-1 2023 #2 Details: REST API error: 'S3 error: The operation is not valid for the object's storage class


recently setup an S3 bucket for offloading backups from Veeam. Initially it worked, but now when attempting to backup we get an error message

14/08/2024 14:12:32 Warning Failed to import backup Backup TISO-FS-1 2023 #2 Details: REST API error: 'S3 error: The operation is not valid for the object's storage class Code: InvalidObjectState', error code: 403 Other: StorageClass: 'GLACIER', HostId: 'Rik7rxnshJErh2iIlKg9RZNPC7RTGXuKXRq0LZHP1xVvnQ9NVtMq6IC6VEw5E5FXzmKkTmThUTE='

I suspect it's due to a rule we have to move backups into Glacier. I've listed our settings for Veeam. Enter image description here

Enter image description here

It is setup as a scale-out backup, to move backups older than 5 days to S3 storage.

This is our rule in our bucket, which i've disabled since. S3 Glacier Rule

Using Veeam 11

asked a month ago176 views
1 Answer


As we can see from the error message, it seems that the object you are trying to access resides in Glacier storage class. Please note to perform any operation on an object that resides in Glacier storage class, you need to first restore the object. Refer the below document.

[+] Restoring an archived object - [+]

Further, you mentioned that you have disabled the lifecycle rule now but objects that are already transitioned to Glacier storage class will still reside in Glacier class itself.

That being said, if you would like further look into this issue, we require details that are non-public information. Please open a support case with AWS using the following link and share S3 request ID pair for the request where you are witnessing the error "The operation is not valid for the object's storage class".

[+] [+] Getting Amazon S3 request IDs for AWS Support -

Thank you !

answered a month ago

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