MediaTailor not calling my sample Ad Decision Server (ADS)


I have a MediaTailor configuration, where I am adding the URL to Ad Decision Server (ADS). I have written a sample ADS and it is hosted on my EC2 instance. It is a HTTP server and not HTTPS.

I am able to make a GET request to this URL from Postman and using curl and get the desired response. But MediaTailor is not connecting to my sample ADS, as I don't see any request coming in to my server logs.

Can someone please help with what is missing in my sample ADS.

asked a year ago602 views
4 Answers

Ad insertion using AWS Elemental MediaTailor is initiated by SCTE-35 markers in the content playlist manifests. If MediaTailor receives a proper SCTE-35 message, it will contact the defined Ad Server (ADS) for ads that need to be inserted into the stream. Any ADS that integrates with MediaTailor must support communication defined by the VAST specification. Upon request from MediaTailor, the ADS will provide a VAST response containing the URL of the ad or ads. MediaTailor will retrieve the ads and transcode them to match the renditions used by the content, then update the playlist manifests to reflect the ad locations during the break time.

MediaTailor provides logs and status to AWS CloudWatch for all its activities. Review your CloudWatch logs to confirm that 1) SCTE-35 mgs have been received 2) MediaTailor made a request to the ADS and 3) what is the response from the ADS. Please see the following link for details on MediaTailor - ADS operation.

answered a year ago

Mike, thanks for the response. My question is a bit different. I am trying out the following 2 use cases:

Use case 1: I have SCTE-35 markers in the content playlist manifest. I used the ESAM in Media Convert for doing this. In the MediaTailor configuration in the Ad Decision Server field I used a static XML file that contains the VAST response. My ads play as expected with the static xml containing the VAST. When I replace the static xml with an http url to my Custom Ad Decision Server, MediaTailor is not inserting the ads. I don't even see it making a call to my Custom Ad server.

Use case 2: I have a VOD content and I am not using SCTE-35 markers in it. I am following the steps listed in this tutorial.

When I use a static xml that contains a VMAP response MediaTailor is able to do the ad insertion. But as soon as I replace the static xml file with the url for my custom Ad server, I don't see MediaTailor making the call to my Custom Ad server.

So in short, I am able to see the SSAI work with a static xml that returns VAST or VMAP but when I change it to a custom Ad server url, SSAI does not seem to work.

If I use the Ad server url given in the tutorial SSAI works fine,[avail.random]

What could be the problem with my custom Ad Server? Does it have to be HTTPs and not HTTP?

answered a year ago

I was having the similar setup. When I saw logs on cloud watch. I got

Request to Ad Decision Server timed out

I am not sure. I am able to hit the request url from Postman or browser.

answered 9 months ago

I got the solution for this.

So basically the port on which your ad decision server is running plays the role here.

My server was running on port 5000 ( When I configure this on mediatailor. It gives ERROR_ADS_TIMEOUT .

Later I deployed my server on 443 ( And it start working, mediatailor was able to hit this URL to fill the ad break and get the vast tag response

answered 8 months ago

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