Installing Yarn on Amazon Linux 2 Instance with yum in prebuild hook


I've been successfully installing yarn as part of a prebuild hook for the last several months, but overnight it has stopped working.

I believe it is not working due to a dependency conflict or a network issue, although I'm not getting many errors in var/log/eb-hooks.log

When running

sudo curl --silent --location | sudo bash -  
sudo yum -y -v install nodejs  

It seems to resolve everything fine until
It prints this:

Downloading packages:  

Then it moves onto my next command in the script. Without actually downloading any packages.

The same thing happens when I run:

sudo curl -sL | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo  
sudo rpm --import  
sudo yum -y -v install yarn  

Again it doesn't do anything/wait after printing

Downloading packages:  

Nothing in my code changed in the last 24hrs, according to AWS EB there was no managed updates, so possibly it's an issue with yum?

My full script looks similar to this:

Any insight would be really helpful because I can't deploy my code until I fix this (or switch to npm I guess)


Edited by: darraghmckay on Nov 4, 2021 1:39 PM

asked 3 years ago2643 views
4 Answers

FYI - You're not alone as I'm having the same issue. Watching with interest.

answered 3 years ago

It seems this is a widespread problem as documented here:

answered 3 years ago

That's reassuring, I couldn't find anything myself

answered 3 years ago

Following up: The issue seems resolved and I'm able to deploy again. I hope it's working for you, too.

answered 3 years ago

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