How to limit permission to AWS SSO user


I have full access to AWS services and resources of a member account, and I can't administer IAM Identity Center from this member account. I used IAM to create IAM user and group for other users. Now we migrate IAM users to AWS SSO, all SSO users have 2 options(ReadOnly or PowerUser), how am I limit or assign SSO user permissions?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

You must operate with an IAM Identity Center administrative account and assign the necessary permissions.

Alternatively, IAM Identity Center administration can be delegated to a specific member account.
In that case, it will be possible to operate the IAM Identity Center from a delegated member account and assign privileges.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • I can't set policies for SSO users like in IAM anymore, right?

    It cannot be operated from the IAM screen. Attach IAM policies in the IAM Identity Center permission set.

    May I grant ReadOnly to all SSO users, create IAM role, let SSO user assume role when they need?

    Do you want to set a set of permissions for a user with a ReadOnly policy? SSO users can be assigned multiple sets of privileges. For example, if an SSO user is assigned the ReadOnly permission set and the PowerUser permission set, the user can switch between the two permission sets when necessary.


Thanks Riku. 1 I can't set policies for SSO users like in IAM anymore, right? 2 May I grant ReadOnly to all SSO users, create IAM role, let SSO user assume role when they need?

answered a year ago

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