I cannot create lambda function


I have a constant red error banner at the top of the /lambda/home page. I have an error 403 access denied from my cloudFomtion for lambda, I can't create it with ui, only Create function has infinite load

4 Answers

I hope you don't have access for same. Few things is not clear in the question. Could you please explain little more

  • Are you able to create Lambda function from UI?
  • Are you able to create Lambda function from Cloudformation template?
  • Do you/clout formation execution role have sufficient permission to create lambda function?
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

If you don't have access to create it in the AWS Portal with your user, then you can't create it in cloudformation since it is using the access with the default setting.

You could create an IAM Role for Cloudformation with policies that allows you to create Lambda Functions, then attach it to the Cloudformation Stack: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-iam-servicerole.html

answered a year ago


If you are getting red banner on top that means you don't have permission to create lambda function in AWS management console and for the same reason cloud formation would not work because it basically create resources automatically on your behalf.

In your question it's not clearly mentioned whether the AWS account that you logged into is your own personal account or you logged into an AWS account as a federated user with permission applied to the account from the management account.

If its personal account, then I believe you should be able to access all the AWS services. Just make sure you create an IAM admin user account and should lock down the root account. If you are using AWS account as a federated user then please contact your AWS system administrator to provide you AWSLambda_FullAccess and all other applicable service access.

I hope its just a permission issue and by contacting the system administrator, you should be able to resolve it.

answered a year ago

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