Extracting data from PDF that contains strikeout text using Amazon Textract in Python


I am trying to follow the guidance from this AWS Textract article:


This is my input document: https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/docs.scbbs.com/docs/test/2022_Local_161_MOA_09.pdf

This is the code I'm running: https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/docs.scbbs.com/docs/test/textract02.py https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/docs.scbbs.com/docs/test/textract01.py

And THIS is the output:


It's missing large amounts of text that should be included.

What I really want to do is exclude the strikeout text and included everything else: content, footers, table.

Any suggestions?

asked 7 months ago428 views
1 Answer


From your description, it seems that parts of of your PDF text is in images (maybe some scanned paper pages ?) that are not processed by Textract.

In that case, I would suggest to extract those images from your PDF to process them via Claude Anthropic Sonnet (on Amazon Bedrock) vision features: I demonstrate those features in this article: https://repost.aws/articles/AReXoGO615SFSqDIVtcLaAGw/anthropic-claude-3-sonnet-vision-capabilities

You will see that Sonnet is quite smart at "reading"



profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago

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