'ContactNotFoundException' while using "StopContact" API for the 'Callback Contact"


While trying to use the "StopContact" method I'm getting this exception, I verified the Contact ID is valid, actually the document is confusing so not sure if "StopContact" API supports queued callback,

As per the error description: Ref: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/APIReference/API_StopContact.html#:~:text=to%20Chat%2C%20Task%2C-,or%20Voice%20Callback.,-HTTP%20Status%20Code ContactNotFoundException The contact with the specified ID is not active or does not exist. Applies to Voice calls only, not to Chat, Task, or Voice Callback. HTTP Status Code: 410

Also there is one article which says Stop Contact now supports Callback https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2022/05/amazon-connect-launches-api-to-programmatically-stop-queued-callbacks/

So can you confirm if it supports queued callback contacts,

asked a year ago412 views
2 Answers

It definitely supports callbacks. Two questions:

  1. How are you creating the callback?
  2. How are you getting the Contact ID for the callback?
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Hello Rob, thanks for the confirmation, please check my comments below,

    1. How are you creating the callback?

    => By transferring call to the callback queue by using the "Transfer to callback queue" option,

    1. How are you getting the Contact ID for the callback?

    => I'm saving the callback record to the DynamoDB where i'm saving the "ContactId", I also tried if I can get the"NextContactId" but looks like its not available, if the "ContactId" will not work is there any way to get "ContactId" of callback?

    Let me know if you need any additional details,


If you enable Amazon Connect contact events* what does the contact ID value show for the call once it's set for callback?

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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