Issue on EC2 stopping



EC2 instance with id 0106ab792da490bbb has been stuck to stopping since Thursday 10th of June .

According AWS If, after 10 minutes, the instance has not stopped, post a request for help in the Amazon EC2 forum. To help expedite a resolution, include the instance ID, and describe the steps that you've already taken.

I applied the force stopping process but it is still on stopping status

asked 3 years ago259 views
3 Answers

According the support case id which I raised in AWS Support Team the issue was related to operational issue in the Frankfurt

The instance was stuck in stopping state due to the stuck EBS volume. The EBS volume was showing as ‘In Use’ but the instance was showing in stopping state. For EBS volume stuck AWS Support Team has reached out to the internal service team and got a response that the issue was fixed with the EBS volume , and the instance ‘i-0106ab792da490bbb’ now showing in stopped state and Volume state is available.

The issue is fixed

answered 3 years ago

According the support case id which I raised in AWS Support Team the issue was related to operational issue in the Frankfurt

The instance was stuck in stopping state due to the stuck EBS volume. The EBS volume was showing as ‘In Use’ but the instance was showing in stopping state. For EBS volume stuck AWS Support Team has reached out to the internal service team and got a response that the issue was fixed with the EBS volume , and the instance ‘i-0106ab792da490bbb’ now showing in stopped state and Volume state is available.

The issue is fixed

answered 3 years ago

According the support case id which I raised in AWS Support Team the issue was related to operational issue in the Frankfurt

The instance was stuck in stopping state due to the stuck EBS volume. The EBS volume was showing as ‘In Use’ but the instance was showing in stopping state. For EBS volume stuck AWS Support Team has reached out to the internal service team and got a response that the issue was fixed with the EBS volume , and the instance ‘i-0106ab792da490bbb’ now showing in stopped state and Volume state is available.

The issue is fixed

answered 3 years ago

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