Greegrass v2: Deleting a local deployment


I've been using local deployments (bin/greengrass-cli deployment create) during development of my Component. I'm at the point where I'm happy with it and want to do a clean deploy to verify I have all the right settings before I start a publish/deploy/test cycle. I tried deleting the package manually on the machine, but that doesn't fix things.

The main reason I want to do this is, during development, I was editing the recipe in the LocalDebugConsole webpage and it seems that now any updates to my source package recipe don't make it to the effective config (at least through local deployments). Without deleting my container volume and starting over, is there a way to delete/reset/clear/clean these local deployments or otherwise get my recipe to use the source recipe instead of the locally edited one?

asked 2 years ago1153 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

To delete a local deployment use the greengrass-cli with a command similar to:

sudo /greengrass/v2/bin/greengrass-cli \
    --ggcRootPath /greengrass/v2 deployment create \
    --remove "your.component.without.version"



answered 2 years ago

Hi Casey

By "editing the recipe in the LocalDebugConsole webpage", do you mean you edit the "Running config" section under the detail page of your component?

answered 2 years ago
  • @Phillip S's solved my primary issue, but for more info on the config situation:

    Yes, I was talking about the "Running config" on the details page of my component. I was playing with the accessControl statements (specifically the resources) in LocalDebugConsole>My-Component>Running config. I then manually propagated those back to my source recipe and from then on, local-deployments weren't updating the "Running config" (I added another resource in my source recipe and it didn't show up in the running config after many "Reinstall"s).

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