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Would like the ability to group contacts without creating new chat rooms


Is there a way to group my contacts into separate groups, i.e. I have worked at 5 different buildings within my node, with additional contacts in different areas of the business, example DML2, UTR, OTR and RTS.

Would like ability to group them together without having to create new chime rooms, favorites etc.

1 Answer

The Amazon Chime app does not have any way to group contacts. (You can put them in "favorites" and then re-order them how you would like. But, the groups would not be labeled.)

Besides using a chat room, the only other idea I could think of for you would be to start a multi-party chat with the group of users. (Admittedly, that's only helpful if you want to chat with them all at the same time and it's not much different than a chat room.)

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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