CloudFront and ALB Integration


CloudFront - ALB - EC2(Wordpress) - S3 (OAI)

I'm trying to configure something like the above. But there are some problems. [ACM:, *] HTTPS communication using CloudFront's CNAME and ACM(N.Virginia) + ALB's ACM(Asia/Seoul). With this configuration, a 502 error occurs when connecting to the domain of CloudFront. Conversely, if I register the - A record in Route53 and access the A record, the page loads normally.

Please tell me the answer to the problem.

CloudFront and ALB Integration Please tell me the answer to the problem.

1 Answer


When you setup HTTPS origin in CloudFront, the certificate returned from the origin must be valid and include one of the following domain names:

  • The domain name in the origin’s Origin domain field (the DomainName field in the CloudFront API).
  • The domain name in the Host header, if the cache behavior is configured to forward the Host header to the origin.

Please refer to this document for further information:

Franky Chen

answered 2 years ago

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