Compute Optimizer Dashboard from 200/300 Labs don't show total savings


Even though individual instances in the "select instance" section will give Options with significant cost savings, the total at the top is also $0.

Clear recommendation with savings $0 total

1 Answer

If the AWS Compute Optimizer Dashboard isn't showing any total savings, even though individual instances have cost-saving suggestions, here’s what I would check:

The dashboard might show optimization suggestions for things like CPU or network usage, but depending on how the instances are set up (like if I'm using auto-scaling or reserved instances), it might not show immediate cost savings.

The other possibility is, let's say in my environment I am auto-scaling, that could explain why the total savings are showing as $0. The dashboard usually focuses on fixed instances and may not calculate savings for auto-scaled resources.

Even if the overall savings show as $0, I would still review the individual instance recommendations for any performance improvements, even if they don’t reduce the cost right away.

Ultimately, If using reserved instances or savings plans, that might explain why the dashboard shows no savings, since I'm already getting a discount.

answered 3 months ago

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