Your Request For Accessing AWS Resources Has Been Validated


Hello Team,

I need your help with below email received for my new AWS Account. How do I check what service requested extra validation? I searched CloudTrail but didn't get any clue as to what could have happened here.

Dear AWS Customer,

Thank you for using Amazon Web Services!

You recently requested an AWS Service that required additional validation. Your request has now been validated for AWS Europe (Frankfurt) region(s). If you are still experiencing difficulty, please contact us at <[[]]>.

Thank you for your patience.

—The Amazon Web Services Team

This message was produced and distributed by Amazon Web Services, Inc. and affiliates, 410 Terry Ave. North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210."


1 Answer

The email that you received is generated automatically when you launch a new resource or service in a new region. Some regions need this extra validation in order to deploy a service properly. It might be possible that since you have started deploying workloads in the eu-central-1 region, therefore you received the particular notification. As mentioned in the email, if you still face issues with launching new services in a new region reach out to the AWS team at

answered a year ago

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