EventBridge infinite loop calling API Gateway


I have an EventBridge rule with cron to run once day. When I enable the rule, it keeps firing the event and executing the API Gateway. I tried to disabled the rule but checking the logs for API Gateway, I keep seeing executions.

Is this expected behavior for a rule?

3 Answers

It might be helpful to show the cron expression that is being used.

Is the API Gateway invocation succeeding? If it fails you might find that EventBridge will retry the operation.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

This is the cron expression: cron(10 * * * ? *).

The API Gateway was failing and it was retrying but I also saw the same behavior on success from API Gateway.

answered 2 years ago

That expression means that your API is being triggered at 10 minutes past the hour, every hour of the day.

Looking at the documentation you probably want something like `(0 10 * * ? *) which runs at 10AM UTC every day.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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