Is there any AWS owned - Mobile app available for amazon connect


I have configured Amazon connect to handle inbound and outbound calling. every things seems working fine so far. But so far it has been handled via web ( web based contact pannel).

  1. Is there any mobile app provided by amazon.
  2. Which is the most cheapest mobile service available to use amazon connect.
  3. How can i design an android app through which i can use amazon connect in mobile. what all tool stack i need to understand.
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Amazon Connect today does not support mobile devices. You can review the AWS Marketplace for viable 3rd party applications for your scenario and compare them price wise as well.

If you want to build your own mobile application, you should consider using Amazon Connect Streams SDK together with a working framework for mobile applications. You should pay attention that AWS does not support mobile browsers / WebRTC over mobile devices today, so potential issues cannot be supported by AWS support. To understand how the Amazon Connect Streams SDK work, you can use our Workshop Amazon Connect Softphone Controls , which give you an introduction into the SDK and how to use it on web-based applications.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

A bit late to the discussion but there is a mobile app available in the AWS marketplace which allows you to handle all interactions via a mobile app (Android/IoS)

Link to AWS marketplace Link to website

It's pay-as-you go so easy to test if it works for you. Hope this helps for your case so that you don't have to create an app from scratch.

answered a year ago

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