DMS Migration error Replication task has stopped. Stop Reason FULL_LOAD_ONLY_FINISHED.


I have migrated RDS MySQL to Document DB using AWS DMS, The DMS task was ended with below errors.

Replication task has stopped. Stop Reason FULL_LOAD_ONLY_FINISHED.

All the tables were migrated, except two tables. What is the reason for this issue.

Note : MySQL is one account Document DB is another account, it's a cross account migration.

2 Answers

Do you have a task setting such as "Stop task after full load completes"?
If this is set, it will stop after a full load is completed.

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answered a year ago
  • Let me check @Riku_kobayashi. Thanks for the update.

  • I am unable to find Stop task after full load completes in the task settings.

  • What are your task settings now? Are you in a position to do continuous replication?

  • No, Just i replicate the existing data only @Riku_Kobayashi.


being a full load only task it migrated all tables. it seems 2 tables were errored. to troubleshoot what went wrong for that 2 tables please refer to

answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks for the update @Subhashr

  • No, Just i replicate the existing data only @Riku_Kobayashi.

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